Did you select TRADITIONAL in the recent District-wide survey? Are you
registered at Ocali Charter Middle School?
If yes...
GREAT….What are the next steps?
Get your child a set of earbuds or headphones
Purchase school supplies (CLICK HERE for the LIST), and ensure your child is ready to start school on Monday, August 24th.
Make certain that your child has uniform shirts, as they will be required per the dress code.
Determine if your child is going to be a BYOD - BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE student.
ACTION/TO DO: Call OCMS @ 352-264-9940 and schedule an appointment for your OPEN HOUSE EXPERIENCE during the week of August 17th though August 21st - AM and PM appointments are available.
Week of August 17th through August 21st:
You will receive an OPEN HOUSE call from ONE of your child’s teachers or YOU will come to the school for your OPEN HOUSE appointment.
Both you and your child need to participate. Only TWO people per appointment (plus student) in order to abide by CDC guidelines.
The teacher will conduct the OPEN HOUSE APPOINTMENT with you and answer any questions you may have.
During this appointment, they will confirm your phone numbers and email addresses.
Teachers will go over the BYOD - Bring Your Own Device program.
At the appointment they will provide you your child's login information for Google Suites/Classroom and their school schedule.
Why are the Google Classrooms so important?
This is where your child should go if they miss school.
Directions for the day, will be on the teacher's Google classroom page.
Assignments will be posted on the Google Classroom each day, including any homework to assist you in ensuring your child is getting all their work completed.